Amalet the Amulet

This portrait isn't of a human being! Instead, it's Amalet the Amulet, who is just that - an amulet. If you don't remember, or haven't met him in the game yet, here he is: 

As the newer portraits have increased in size quite a bit, one of the issues with this one is its small size. There's also the fact that it's much more pixelated than the newer portraits, which have more colors and anti-aliasing, as seen below:  

When remaking this one, I simply enlarge the old portrait until it's around 3000px and paint on top of it, before shrinking it back to slightly bigger than before. Take a look:
Enlarged Old Portrait
Adding the basic colors again XD
Painting the eye :)
Adding details to the amulet
More details & cleanup

Finished sprite!
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